Welcome to Swindon City of Sanctuary.
We seek to build a culture of welcome, inclusion and support for everyone in Swindon, with a focus on people who are seeking sanctuary from war and persecution.
Our work focuses on celebrating our diverse town. We do this by bringing people and organisations together, raising awareness and campaigning for fairness and inclusivity.
Swindon City of Sanctuary helps to break down barriers to social isolation, talk with the community about the positive impact of migration and the reality of the UK asylum system, and advocate for why being a welcoming and inclusive town is beneficial to us all.
People seeking sanctuary experience high levels of hate crime, racism and prejudice which can lead to people feeling stigmatised and isolated within their communities.
Whether it's campaigning for better conditions and systematic change for people seeking sanctuary, raising awareness, or celebrating the benefits our multicultural town brings to us all through our Sanctuary Awards, we strive to make Swindon a more welcoming and inclusive place to live and work - in turn making Swindon a better place for all.
If you would like to volunteer with us, please get in touch.